Swimmers focus on fully developing all four swimming strokes, develope skills for competitive swimming
By completing the Learn to Swim Stage 7
- Complete a set lasting 400 metres (e.g. 16 x 25 metres, 8 x 50 metres, 4 x 100 metres) on a specific turnaround time agreed by the teacher or coach (e.g. 1.00 minutes for each 25 metres) with a focus on stroke technique and consistency.
- Swim 400 metres continuously using one stroke.
- Push and streamline then kick 25 metres backstroke with or without using a board.
- Push and streamline then kick 25 metres breaststroke with or without using a board.
- Push and streamline then kick 25 metres butterfly without using a board.
- Push and streamline then kick 25 metres front crawl with or without using a board.
- Perform a backstroke turn from 10 metres in to 15 metres out.
- Perform a breaststroke turn from 10 metres in to 15 metres out.
- Perform a butterfly turn from 10 metres in to 15 metres out.
- Perform a front crawl turn from 10 metres in to 15 metres out.
- Perform a dive track or grab start, and kick butterfly underwater in a streamlined position for 5 metres with the focus on progressing it to 10 metres.*
*Delivery will depend on the pool design and facilities available.
- 在導師或教練指定時間(例:1分鐘完成25米),完成一組400米(如16 x 25米、8 x 50米、4 x 100米)的距離組合,側重泳式技巧和一致性。
- 以一種泳式持續游400米。
- 在使用或不使用浮板下,蹬池邊、流線形背泳完成25米。
- 在使用或不使用浮板下,蹬池邊、流線形蛙泳完成25米。
- 在不使用浮板下,蹬池邊、流線形蝶式完成25米。
- 在使用或不使用浮板下,蹬池邊、流線形自由式完成25米。
- 在池邊10米內完成背泳轉身,游至15米外。
- 在池邊10米內完成蛙式轉身,游至15米外。
- 在池邊10米內完成蝶式轉身,游至15米外。
- 在池邊10米內完成自由式轉身,游至15米外。
- 使用track start(前後腳) 或 grab start(雙腳平排)出發,在水底以流線型蝶式姿勢前進5米,游至10米外。