- Enter the water safely, with full adult support. Swimmers should be encouraged to sit on the side and wait for adult instruction.
- Float on the back, with full adult support behind the head, shoulders and hips.
- Reach and grab toys on the water surface.
- Rotate 180 degrees either using a log roll or an upright position, with full adult support.
- Move through the water in a streamlined position on the front, with full adult support.
- Be at ease with water being showered over the face.
- Travel on the back using floatation equipment, with full adult support.
- Hold the rail or side of pool and move towards the step or ladders using floatation equipment, with full adult support.
- Exit the water safely with adult supervision.
- 小朋友先坐在池邊並等待成人的指示(不同年齡,有不同落水方式),在成人的全力協助下安全地落水 。
- 仰臥(背浮)在水面,頭部、肩部和臀部由成人全力承托着。
- 伸手抓住水面上的玩具。
- 在成人的全程協助下,使用滾輪或以直立姿勢旋轉180度。
- 在成人的全程協助下,以流線形姿勢在水中前進。
- 適應水花灑在臉上。
- 在成人的全程協助下,可使用輔助浮物仰臥(背浮)移動。
- 在成人的全程協助下,抓住泳池的欄杆或一側,可使用輔助浮物(如手袖)向台階或梯子移動。
- 在成人協助下安全地離開水面。