顯示第 21 至 35 項結果,共 35 項

蝶泳Butterfly Stroke 100M


1. Perform a butterfly start, then butterfly kick in a streamlined position underwater up to a maximum of 15 metres from the start point.
2. Perform recognised turns and finishes
3. Perform a continuous 100 metre legal butterfly stroke
1. 起跳動作,流線形在水中做到蝶式踢腳最多15米。
2. 做出認可的轉池及完成時觸池動作。
3. 連續完成100米合規格的蝶式。

蝶泳Butterfly Stroke 200M


1. Perform a butterfly start, then butterfly kick in a streamlined position underwater up to a maximum of 15 metres from the start point.
2. Perform recognised turns and finishes
3. Perform a continuous 200 metre legal butterfly stroke
1. 起跳動作,流線形在水中做到蝶式踢腳最多15米。
2. 做出認可的轉池及完成時觸池動作。
3. 連續完成200米合規格的蝶式。

背泳Backstroke 50M


●Perform a continuous 50 metre legal backstroke.

背泳Backstroke 100M


1. Perform a backstroke start then butterfly kick in a streamlined position underwater up to a maximum of 15 metres from the start point.
2. Perform recognised turns and finishes
3. Perform a continuous 100 metre legal backstroke
1. 起跳動作,然後流線形在水中做到蝶式踢腳最多15米。
2. 做出認可的轉池及完成時觸池動作。
3. 連續完成100米合規格的背泳。

背泳Backstroke 200M


1. Perform a backstroke start then butterfly kick in a streamlined position underwater up to a maximum of 15 metres from the start point.
2. Perform recognised turns and finishes
3. Perform a continuous 200 metre legal backstroke
1. 起跳動作,然後流線形在水中做到蝶式踢腳最多15米。
2. 做出認可的轉池及完成時觸池動作。
3. 連續完成200米合規格的背泳。



●Developing essential aquatic skills, Learners need to be confident, competent and safe in the water.



●Swimmers develop streamlining to their strokes and travel without their feet on the floor, using a recognised leg kick.



●Swimmers will develop their kicks, on both their front and their back.



●Swimmers perfect their leg kicks for all four strokes and further develop push and glides, while also being introduced to sculling.



●Swimmers will develop their skills in treading water, learn the correct arm pulls for all four strokes and learn how to do handstands and somersaults.



●Swimmers how to prepare for exercise, while developing an efficient technique for all four strokes and further developing surface dives.



●Swimmers focus on fully developing all four swimming strokes, as well as building stamina and improving diving skills.



●Swimmers focus on fully developing all four swimming strokes, develope skills for competitive swimming



●Swimmers focus on fully developing all four swimming strokes, develope skills for competitive swimming



●Swimmers focus on fully developing all four swimming strokes, develope skills for competitive swimming